Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lobster on the grill and Finn

We went to visit my daughter and son in law last week. They just had a baby boy. My first grandchild. What a treat. We flew in to Boston then went up to Salem. What a history that town has. The cometary is incredible. Tomb stones that went back to 1673. The witch trials were just a part of this towns incredible history. I never knew that you could be accused of being a witch and tried for having red hair & freckles.

While there we found a great little place to eat.'Reds Cafe".  12" pancakes, eggs & homemade corned beef hash.  It doesn't get much better than this.

From there we went up to Gloucester &a Rock port. Nice little fishing villages. We bought some fresh lobsters($6 lb) and headed to Brattleboro VT where my daughter lives. She and her husband are glass artists. Josh blows glass and Marta makes beads. They have a beautiful studio on three acres up in the mountains outside of town. They also have a beautiful baby boy, Finn is his name.

 My daughter Jessie was there visiting from Maine as well. It was wonderful. We baked sour dough bread and had Lobster on the grill. We also picked up some fiddle heads and some asparagus. We sauteed the fiddle heads and steamed the asparagus and the steamers and made potato salad and had a wonderful meal and a great time together. Only one small problem. We neglected to parboil the fiddle heads first to remove the toxins in them. Big mistake. We were all not feeling too well the next day. Nausea, diarrhea and just feeling like crap(pardon the pun). 

 The following day it rained, but we went up to Woodstock Vt for a drive and saw some beautiful farms from the 1850's and visited The Sugar Bush Farm and bought some maple syrup and some locally made cheese's. 

All in all it was a great trip.